Artist writes about herself

April is a month of exhibits for me. My solo show “Ephemeral and Enduring” at the Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center features my cloudscapes and landscapes. One of my cloudscapes — Cantata for Eventide — was accepted as part of the Indiana Artists Annual Exhibition at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

The dreaded artist statement

All of this exhibiting requires not only artwork, but also words. For the solo show, I needed to write an artist statement to explain why in the world I made these massive linocuts. As a rule, I find artist statements an exercise in hyperbole where the reader feels inadequate to even be viewing the artwork.

Five cloudscapes and landscapes from Ivy Tech John Waldron show.
Five of fifteen cloudscapes and landscapes create a peaceful, contemplative exhibit at the Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center.

Continue reading “Artist writes about herself”

Another printmaker comes to town!

One of my New Year’s resolutions for my blog is to highlight artists that I enjoy — especially printmakers. February provides me with the opportunity to introduce you to James Hubbard, who will have an exhibit at the Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center in February in Bloomington Indiana. For those of you in Bloomington, you can meet James on Friday, February 7th from 5pm until 8pm.

James Hubbard, Mountain Contours Through Pines. Linoleum Print, 12 x 18in, 2013.

Continue reading “Another printmaker comes to town!”