It has finally stopped raining in the Ohio River Valley. Until a week ago, constant rain and heavy storms caused flooding in places that are nowhere near a river. Lake Monroe, built in the 1960s by the Army Corps of Engineers for flood control, is doing its job. It is 13 feet about normal levels. Water is relentless.
The meandering river in this monoprint collage is inspired by the many rivers around me that carve and re-carve their path. The Wabash River to the west of me actually changed its course so significantly that it greatly affected residents in both Illinois and Indiana. Few things have this kind of power to effect change on our landscape so dramatically.

My latest collage, Riparian Perseverance, had me pondering the differing effects of water on disparate places. East coast cities like Annapolis and Boston are experiencing flooding even on sunny days. Glaciers and snow fields are melting more rapidly up north. Everything around me is green, green, green as plants celebrate the abundance of moisture.
Kind of like some life circumstances…